I have two little granddaughters who will celebrate birthdays in August. They are not the same age but their birthdates are one day apart. They have already let it be known what they want for their birthdays.
This age group used to be Barbie’s domain. Barbie, you know, the great American girl-next-door, the Prom Queen, everybody’s sweetheart. Yes, totally out of proportion to say the least, but with a face just screaming goodness and light. Only problem…. after a few days in the hands of an anxious kid, Barbie’s hair makes her look like she’s had a rough night with the Notre Dame football team…..and there is NO FIXING IT. Yep, once its all frizzed, its frizzed to stay and our girl-next-door takes on the look of a quarter hooker slumped at the end of the bar, used and abused.
A few years ago a new doll arrived in town. I had serious issue with these dolls because they all looked like little sluts. And what’s with the feet? Removable feet? Who’s bright idea is that? It really did gross me out, to tell the truth. I still haven’t figured out the reason for it.
But these little Bratz dolls have won me over. As I watched my granddaughters lovingly clutch them in their arms, I knew there was a new kid in town to stay. Yep, these girls may come across as sluts in the beginning and the foot issue takes a while to get used to, but their HAIR. Their hair is to die for. It can be mangled, brushed, pulled, colored, yanked, washed, and curled and still manages to look halfway decent. None of this frizz crap. And lets face it….having a doll is all about changing the clothes and the HAIR. The Bratz girls have rooted hair that, so far, does not seem to frizz.
So I will be buying Bratz and Barbie will be shoved to the bottom of the toy chest, unused and unloved, contemplating Botox injections. I guess she’s lasted quite a while if you think about it. If her maker’s would just think about it, spend a few pennies and FIX HER HAIR, she would be back in full force again, I’m sure. In the meantime, I have a box full of Barbie clothes that just won’t fit Bratz….not that the little sluts would be caught dead in any of them anyway. And Ken…why Ken is just sittin’ back, not looking old, but merely distinguished. Ken’s fantasies will have just about all been realized if he gets thrown in the same toy chest as one of those HOT poofy lipped, sloe eyed Bratz girls. Sigh…….whatever happened to Betsy Wetsy.
Ugh, Bratz just are not dolls for little ones to me. I'm glad the hair is holding up because thats what I loved about Barbies when I grew up. I guess it's a good thing I don't have a girl - yet. When/if I do, she'll be playing with GI Joes and Legos, just like my boys. ;)
Btw, I'm so sorry you were so hurt by the person you once called friend.
Oh my...
La Princesita has Barbies and Little Ponies. And Power Rangers. And Legos. And Lincoln Logs. Bristle blocks. Lots of paper and colored pens. And that is about it, and she is so content.
We have seen the Bratz at the store and, thanks to the goodness of Saturday Morning Cartoons, she knows exactly what they are. But I explained to her what the word "Bratz" means and they suddenly didn't appear so attractive to her anymore. I guess I've become used to the impossible feminine figure of Barbie and she can live with that.
Great post, Val. Be well.
I hate Bratz dolls and won't buy them for any girls. It's just another symptom of the prostitot (prostitute toddlers = prostitot) mindset this country is in oversexualizing our young girls. Everything from clothing to toys -- we're turning them into prositots and teaching them that if they want to be pretty and accepted that they need to dress and act like whores.
The Bratz dolls look like they should come with a stack of condoms and be ready for a night with the Notre Dame football team.
Get the girls a bead set and teach them to make friendship bracelets or something. :P
hmm a body to die for barbie??? wow.. i'm totally out of it..what is a Bratz doll and why can their feet be removed??? Is that dangerous??? LOL... but yeah..I gotcha..the hair thing.. I use to torment my barbie's hair too!
My daughters LOVED Bratz dolls when they were young and I must admit it never occurred to me that they looked slutty...I liked the removable feet because you not only changed feet but shoes too.
After having a good look at the one in the picture though I must admit it screams HOOKER.
Loved this Val.
Slut was the exact word that came to mind when I first opened this post and saw the picture. Could they tone down the make up? sheesh.
I have serious questions about Ken's sexuality. Did you see the shirtless version with that necklass and black leather pants?
oh my gawd... this post and the comments cracked me up! Oh my, let me wipe away a tear so I can see to type. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about all that mess. :)
Hhmmm... I am really not a doll person after seeing young girls dressing up like Barbie or Bratz, I just, can't agree with it. Damn, I'm old fashioned.
LOLOL!!! Thanks for a VERY much needed laugh today Charlotte.
Betsy Wetsy left when she found out they were taking the feet off dolls, and she left no forwarding address.
well, hey. Would you?
I mean, your feet, for crying out loud!
Makes me miss my Chatty Cathy.
You are a good Grandmother because those Bratz kinda scare me... but luckily I have Nephews so I don't have to worry.
Still, they aren't any worse than Barbie. :-)
I cannot stand the Bratz dolls. They remind me of every high school that I simply hated. I don't care if their hair is good.
I feel the same way about Barbies, though. Liv went through a Barbie phase when she was about 6. It lasted for a year and now, thank god, she is over it.
I can't tell you how many times she brought one of her barbies to me and begged me to style their hair. I would just put it up in a ponytail and tell her that this was the best to be hoped for....
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