Friday, April 5, 2013 for Exercise

I so envy people who love to exercise. I hate this activity even more than I hate to iron. I have tried several times to get with the program. I've joined clubs with my girlfriends quite a few times only to quickly lose interest.

One of the worst things about "going to work out" is that you walk in there, all porked out, obviously in need of a new body only to look around and see all these women who look like swimsuit models. They flit around the place having a great time while you self-consciously try to hide behind the nearest machine. With all the mirrors in the damn place it's hard not to see what you look like and also you get to see yourself in comparison with the other clientele. These gyms would do a far better business if they restricted entry to only those who have a fat problem. You'd sure feel better if you walked in and noticed immediately that everyone else was far larger than you are. Matter of fact, you'd probably feel so good about yourself that you'd skip the exercise and go have a hot fudge sundae to celebrate.

Hmmmmm.  I think I just discovered why gyms don't have those restrictions.

Feeling too self-conscious to go to a gym, I figured that I would do exercises in front of the TV. Maybe you're supposed to have an exercise program ON the TV at the time and do more than arm lifts from snack bowl to mouth, but it didn't seem to do much for me. Now that I'm a senior and I have all sorts of aches and pains, I've found that it hurts to exercise, so I don't. I really and truly know that I would feel better if I could just get around that pain problem, but then again, if I didn't have the pain problem, I wouldn't need to feel better.

It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it.  Pass the M&M's please.


Forsythia said...

Yep. I'm also allergic to exercise in all its form. Hey, you already have an idea for "I"---you can tell us how much you hate to iron. :-)

My Shasta Home said...

Funny! I don't really like the exercise either but I do it anyway because I have a skinny husband.

Linda@VS said...

I hate to exercise! One of my daughters thrives on it. Her idea of a great time is doing Survivor-type challenges for charity competitions. I've had her for 49 years now, but I still suspect she was switched at birth.

Unknown said...

Great post! I can truly relate to this. And my opinion, running late counts as Exercise! I did exercise too. Enjoy the A to Z!

Linda said...

I like exercise...but on my terms. For example, I don't enjoy going to the gym or lifting weights or anything of the sort.
My exercise consists of taking pleasant walks in nature...and bringing my camera along with me. I find this to be enjoyable and therapeutic. Great post!

Jen HaHA said...

I signed up for a "Biggest Loser" challenge at work and think I am going to go back to the gym. We won't have personal trainers but I know lots of my co-workers are serious about this and are planning group walks and stuff. Eh, maybe I'll just walk during lunch. I really don't want to have to change into workout clothes.

Check out my A to Z! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

Dawn M. Hamsher said...

First, I do not love to exercise, but I am always glad when I do. It's also really fun to go to dinner afterwards (and just blow the whole work-out).

The Write Soil

Josie Two Shoes said...

Good Lord, I am so far behind in making my A-Z rounds. Exercise is not on my "things to be thankful for" list under E! :-) Like you, it is something I detest and dread, but oh my do I need to get serious about it. Every year brings me closer to square, Papa Bear too. The cardiologist is gonna kick my butt if I don't get it moving. May I think, yes, in May! :-)