I’m on my second round of antibiotics and can tell a difference. The congestion is not nearly as bad in my chest but now both my ears are plugged and I can only hear if its something loud. I really hate this; its thrown my whole system off. You don’t realize how much you depend on your hearing until its been affected. Another thing we take for granted. I have a feeling this may be a year of ‘learning lessons’ for me.
We ended up having 12 inches of snow that started on New Year’s Eve. I will have to admit it was beautiful. The weather says its supposed to warm up to 50 and rain on Monday. I sure hope that doesn’t occur because it will cause a lot of people grief as far as flooding. Soul asked me why in the world I would live here if I hated snow so much…..well, at first it was because this is where my job was. Now, since I’m retired, I have to say this is where my roots are. I’ve never lived further than 4 miles from where I am sitting right now. I sure do wish my roots were in a warmer climate….but they aren’t….so here I stay. The other three seasons are gorgeous so I guess its not too bad if I look at it like that.
About 3 of the blogs I regularly read are taking a breather, so to speak. I can understand their reasoning but I sure will miss the input. I had become accustomed to reading and looked forward to it. I can surely understand how blogging can take up too much of your time. I have found myself in the same position. As one of my favorites said, “real life trumps blog life” and she’s right. This new year means different things for different people, that’s for sure. I am really hoping that everyone finds what they are searching for and it brings them happiness.
So, if I can get them off my camera (difficult for me) I will post some snow pictures. I really do dislike my camera because of that. Sometimes it works fine, other times it gives me trouble….I never know how its going to act. Gypsy, I hope these pictures cool things off for you and you’re better soon. I miss you.
Hey, trade you pics of my backyard for yours. (Virtual snow is the only way to experience it in my book.)
Hope you feel better and better each day.
roots... hmmm. well, whatever floats yer boat. that's what people say. i have never had any roots so i wouldn't know, but someone else i know freezes her ass off for roots too. but not me. noop. it's cold enough here as it is.
nice pics tho. i could look at it all day, but i sure don't want any.
anyhow--happy friday
Very nice pics, Val. I can only dream of such snows here in Alabama. I hear you about roots. I lived here all my life even though the opportunities haven't been great. It is home!
Gorgeous pics! So cold and I wouldn't want to be out in it, but definitely beautiful.
I'm glad you are feeling better and I hope your health continues to improve.
I, too, am only minutes away from where I grew up. I can't seem to leave and I honestly don't think I'd want to.
Take care!
Thankyou so much for your kind wishes Val and believe it or not I do feel cooler looking at those pics. I know it must be a pain in the butt to deal with all that on a daily basis but geez it looks pretty doesn't it?
Get better soon my sweet friend and stay snuggled up and warm. Hugs & kisses for a speedy recovery.
Yup. Snow are purdy, and those are purdy pictures. I kind of get a kick out of the snow picnic setup on your deck. For some strange reason, I don't much mind winter. Not too thrilled with shovelling though.
Yes stay bundled and hope that nasty bout of whatever goes away soon!
Val, these are wonderful pictures. Thank you for them. There is truly something to living where we have four distinct seasons...for all the complaining we do of the heat, then the cold...at the same time I don't think I would like to make the trade-off to monotony.
Feel better. Thinking of you...
Be well, Val.
Great photos val- they could have been taken here, actually. The snow looks about the same. I don't like the winters, either, but where we live has to do with things other than weather, too, don't you think? Family, for sure. And I guess, just calling somewhere home. Although some day, I can see us moving elsewhere, but by then, there will be grandchildren...
I hope you are feeling waaay better by now.
Sorry to hear you are not well. The winter is indeed an undesireable season but it sure is beautiful! :-)
New to your site. Have a great day!
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