Friday, January 11, 2008

Bringing in the Big Guns.....

I went to see my doctor again today and even though much of my congestion has cleared up, I’m still not rid of this damn bug. He told me that its something that is going around and its very resistant to antibiotics. So, I came away with a prescription for some stronger meds…..more than three times stronger than the ones I was taking. He also gave me some nasal spray to help with the congested ears. Being down with this for so long has really kicked my butt and frustrated me in many ways…but its also made me think. I know I read way too much and that, of course, always affects my thinking….but it makes one wonder about the future and if the meds we have now will be capable of controlling illnesses that we can catch as easily as walking across the room. Wasn’t it T.S. Eliot who once wrote….”this is the way the world ends…not with a bang but a whimper”. Shudder….I don’t think that’s a good thing to think about……but I hope some scientists are. I’m gong to concentrate on getting well and I’ve promised myself I won’t let myself get so run-down again. After all….I’m no spring chicken anymore. Thanks for all your well-wishes. I’ll be back….bigger and better. Well…hopefully not bigger….but better, yes….better.

Oh…and Crusty…my apologies to my credit card company. They did call me…it was on my answering machine…I obviously missed the call because I couldn’t hear the phone. So they did follow protocol and then followed it up with an email.


Karen said...

Gee that virus has been hanging on for such a long time. Being ill is so depressing isn't it? It makes you wonder how people with serious illnesses can keep a positive attitude which is so very important for recovery. I do hope this latest batch of meds work Val and that you will be back to brightest best really soon. In the meantime, try and stay warm and toasty and just rest, rest, rest.


great week-end

fiwa said...

Man, that is one tough virus! Poor you - I hope the new drugs kick it to the curb. I know what you mean about the future of antibiotics. I think about that every time I use antibiotic cleaner on my hands... am I just helping it become more resistant?

Oh, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the comment you left for me. That made me cry it was so sweet. The feeling is mutual, and I will be back soon, begging you to come visit me where ever I land.

Mama Llama said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, Val. If it is a virus, however, antibiotics aren't going to do a thing for it, only antivirals would. Antibiotics fight bacterial infections, however many think that might be one reason why they are losing their effectiveness, that they are being prescribed when they perhaps should not be.

I just want you to feel better soon. Take care, be well.

Jamie said...

Val, so many people around here are sick - and it seems it's the same thing you have. It must really be a strong bug.

I hope you are getting better, you have really had your share of it!


fiwa said...

Dear Val, I went ahead and closed my blog today to make it private. What I found out is that I have to have your email address to invite you. Sorry about that, I thought I could add you through your blogger page. Could you please send me an email to (and of course replace the AT with the @ symbol)?

lovins - & feel better!

Oldy said...

Are you supposed to put the nasal spray in your ears?

or am i just crazy? lol

everyone is sick in Arkansas too. Hubby and I hardly ever get sick. Must be the vodka. :)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I'm glad you saw your doctor, but I'm sorry you're still so plugged up.
HA, I had to laugh when you said that part about not hearing the phone..when the cc company called..there are many days when I wish I could tune it all out with the noise levels and all.

Feel better and rest up! ANd that bit about ET-I remember that from the movie, I was when he was dying. sigh..that movie still gets to me.


Moohaa said...

Man, this thing is really hanging on isn't it?? I really am praying you get better soon, maybe this med will be the one to do it.

Do you take vitamins? I have been trying more and more to keep myself healthy... I munch the Flintstones vitamins with the kids. Yum!

Jamie said...

I hope you are starting to feel like your old self again, I miss you!

Have a good week--when do you go back to work?


Anonymous said...

yeah sounds like you're gettin better... probably too slowly than you'd like..but at least it's getting there... see ya soon!

Karen said...

Thinking of you Val and hoping that you are fast asleep while your body gets better.

Moohaa said...

Hey Val, just thinking of you and hope you had a good weekend! Feeling any better?

boneman said...

Yeah, but I'll betcha the cute face at the top of your sidebar is helping to nurse you back, isn't she?

Dogs make the best nurses.

As for the doctors coming up with miracle meds, well, I don't think so.
And, truthfully, we don't need them anyway. (the meds, that is)
You gotta get yerself a good, two handed grip on life and give it the big smooch you need! Tongue and all!
(dang, wouldn't it have been better to just say, "go out and enjoy life" ?)
(well, yeah, but, isn't it more fun to see synonyms y'didn't expect?)

Go get 'em, Frenchy!
(not the dog, though....)

Oldy said...

Hope you're feeling better.

You never did answer my question, "is your little dog bald?"

Update hawg!!!!

Jamie said...

Val oh Val--

Are you still sick? I'm missing you!

Get better! And we may not be spring chickens, but we are surely still summer chickens?


Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better!

SOUL said...

just came by to check on ya
you still with us charlotte???

The Real Mother Hen said...

Wish I can make you a cup of ginger tea now.

Jamie said...

Where you be, Charlotte?

Moohaa said...

Alright, it's been a week. Where are ya? You okay? Need someone to come rescue you?

Leaking Moonlight said...

Coming by to say hello and wish you well.

SOUL said...

ok charlotte---

i'm gonna have to call in the posse -- we're gettin pretty worried out here in blogland...
if for some reason you can't or don't feel like posting.. is there a way you could have your son or someone email one of us to get the word out???

not that i even know if you're getting online lately--- but if you do--
we kinda need to know that you are ok.. or if you need anything.. ok??

thinkin of ya