After having a close call two years in a row, my family stays in and at home during this time. We celebrate quietly dong something that makes us feel comfortable and happy. I'm usually found reading a book. Even my grown kids stay in on this night where so many drunken fools get on the roadways.
I no longer make resolutions. I was just setting myself up for failure most of the time and no one likes that feeling. After all, regardless of what people want to think....the New Year is just another day....not a new beginning. You still have to deal with all you did last year and/or the years before. I don't mean to bring you down.....but its just the facts.
My family and I did manage a great Christmas dinner, even though it was a couple days late. Our family movie night went well. Actually it spanned to two nights. We watched Wall-E, which I wasn't sure I was going to like at first. After all, there is very little dialogue. After it finished, I can say that I did enjoy it, although the subject matter was quite depressing. I kept thinking to myself.....is this REALLY a kid's movie. I guess it was a not so subtle attempt to get kids to "clean up their act" since its failed on so many adults (I'm ashamed to say). The second movie was Kung Fu Panda, which was just plain fun. I liked it and there were some giggle out-loud parts in it. The third one was Prince Caspian. It was good but I can honestly say that I liked the first one better (The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe). Its amazing how your brain accepts the fact that animals are talking and making logical sense....or is that just me? The fourth movie we watched was Wanted. I did not finish the movie; it was entirely way too violent for me. I am actually surprised that Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie agreed to make such a film.....they are soooo far above anything like this! However I should be fair and note here that my teenaged grandson loved the movie. Lots of cars being driven ridiculously and wrecked, not to mention shoot 'em ups that are beyond your wildest imagination. So I guess you can say that 3 good movies out of four isn't bad.
Those five days I had off from work really did help me feel a lot better. Now I have Wednesday and Thursday off and don't plan on doing anything strenuous. As a matter of fact, I slept a lot today. I think this old body really needed it. So I am pretty much over what I had and I hope that it stays away. I'll be walking a wide circle around anyone who is sick.
I hope that all of you have a safe and happy night tonight....doing something that you really want and enjoy doing. I am also hoping that the state of our nation will get better soon, although I know it will take a while. The best to all of you and please remember to continue your random acts of kindness. It makes you feel so good. Bless you all!!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Bear((( )))
I had a quiet one last night which was our New Year's Eve, in fact I spent a lot of it on the computer catching up. I did watch the fireworks with the girls that they televise from Sydney every year but other than that it was just another night.
You're right you know. We all fool ourselves into thinking that the moment the clock strikes midnight it's going to be a whole new ball game and of course it isn't. Maybe it's just our attitude that needs to change.
I hope you enjoy your lovely quiet New Years all snuggled up with a good book and that you manage to stay well. Big hugs Val xxxx
I'm happy to see that you feel better. And that you are taking care of you.
I can't remember when I watched three movies...I cannot sit still that long. Unless I'm reading, then I can do it forever.
Happy New Year Charlotte. 2009 is going to be a KICK-ASS year. And then, we are going to take names. Yep.
Hugs, honey.
Happy New Year. Glad you are feeling better. I have made two resolutions for 2009.
(1) to give up on multi-tasking. One thing at a time is more than enough.
(2) not to flavor my eggnog (or coke) with Jack Daniels, because sometimes it gives me a mean, ol' headache. Woke up with one today. Will I ever learn?
Kungfu Panda is such an entertainment movie. I may watch it again today, just for the laugh of it, after all, laughing is always a good way to start the new year.
Happy New Year to you.
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
We went to a party and had a great time. It was the first time we went out for New Years Eve in YEARS!
Happy New Year to you too!!
I'm with Jamie - I can't sit still through that many movies at once! I think I have ADD.
I'm glad you enjoyed them though - I am intrigued by Wall-e.
I'm glad you are feeling better and got to have a couple of days off to rest. Sounds like you're working on Friday - hope the day goes by quickly for you.
All my best to you in 2009 - even if it is just another day (and I agree with you).
love you -
Belated New Year's wishes to you. Glad to hear you're feeling better. And, I couldn't have done all those movies. I have a hard enough time with one!
I sorta feel the same way about the New Year. Just another day to me. :) Loved the mini movie reviews. lol
Glad you are feeling better. ac
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