Thursday, August 25, 2011

Well, it's obvious.....

that SOMEBODY in my neighborhood either took their graduation money and bought enormous car speakers or got the actual speakers for graduation. I've written before about the idiot who drives through and rattles all the pictures hanging on the walls.........well he was nothing compared to this new idiot.

This new one comes through and it honestly vibrates the organs inside your body. Its a sickening feeling and I can't understand how anyone could be in the vehicle with the power those speakers possess. You never hear any words to this so-called music....its just the bass that you hear.....and I can't even say you hear feel it, and not in a good way.

No matter what, there always seems to be individuals who just HAVE to push the envelope. This idiot and ones like him will eventually be the cause of having laws written forbidding this type of display. It was bad enough when it first started but at least it was tolerable. Now, it has just gotten ridiculous......and dangerous. There is NO way the driver of such a vehicle could hear an emergency vehicle coming.

Come to think of it.....I haven't heard the first idiot in a bit now.....I'm beginning to think that he has upgraded and this new one isn't a new guy at all.....but the same one with bigger speakers. Unless you've experienced it, I can't begin to describe how irritating it is....especially at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Yep.....lawmakers.....get those pens busy. I'm sick of it.

Speaking of music.....the Woodward Dream Cruise had wonderful weather this last weekend. (click on link to see photos of a lot of the vintage cars that were there) There was some trouble here and there but you have to expect that when a large crowd of people are gathering anywhere. The 60's and 70's music was wonderful to hear again and the cars were gorgeous. It is, indeed, like stepping back in time. Well, except for the idiots that insisted on playing dirty rap music at ear shattering levels. That was not appreciated but people just moved on and left that area in search of a place where they could sit back and enjoy the music of the times.

The packages containing school clothes are coming in; 3 yesterday and 2 the day before that. I'm hoping we will get most of the remainder today. At least with this new school we won't have to worry that they are not going to be open next year or in the years following; they have plenty of students but not so many that it takes away from individual attention if its needed.

I can't believe that summer is nearly over. Fall is a favorite time of year for me (summer taking first place) but its also an emotional time. Fortunately...... not in a bad way. Keep smilin'. Make everybody wonder what you're up to. LOLOLOLOL


Sarah said...

I was thinking this very same thing when I got home earlier. There was a car on their way home from work and all I could hear was bass...and it is ridiculous. Now don't get me wrong, I crank up my music in the car sometimes but not to the point where other people can hear it. I guess those idiots don't care if they can hear later on...


The leaves at "home" will be turning soon. But with my prize maple tree gone now, I'm kinda glad I'm not there to see it. Fall just reminds me that the leaves will soon be OFF the trees, and that cold wind will be whipping the skin off your face while the snow causes the electric wires to snap.

Kinda glad this will be the first year away so I can truly tell if I'm glad I moved to Florida or not.

As for those speakers? We had them on the little street where we lived. They always belonged to the trashiest families on the block, since they also like noisy engines....cussing...yelling...anything to get attention.

Living as we do now, in the land of the dead and soon to be dead, we don't even hear motorcycles now. YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am afraid the next generation will be completely deaf.

Peruby said...

My niece had help building her system by her brother who is 10 years older than her and loves music just as much. She lived with me at the time.

She came home one day and told me "When I play my music, I wet myself."

What?! I told her she needs to turn it down! The vibration caused her to lose bladder control. Good grief!

Joy Des Jardins said...

We've all heard one of these jerks at sometime or another Val. I just don't understand how they think that's okay to do. And what sane person thinks the middle of the night is a good time to harrass everyone with this junk? It irritates EVERYONE who is in the fallout of their ridiculous noise....I won't even call most of it music. I hope someone does pass a law against it.

Forsythia said...

It's a mating call. It's a jungle out there.

ethelmaepotter! said...

It's all just for attention. If no one gives them any, they'll grow up and sell those things on Ebay.
We're still in the 90's here, but I know fall is coming soon. Dang.

gayle said...

I can't wait for Fall! I'm so tired of this hot weather!

Debbie said...

These cars and trucks are one of my BIGGEST pet peeves! Drives me absolutely nuts and we have a law! Unfortunately, it is not enforced.

Many travel through my neighborhood and there is nothing I can do. Ugh.