Thursday, August 4, 2011

I was hoping for.....

a Cha- chingle......but instead it was a CHA-CHING!

Ahhhhh yes.....two plumbers in my tub. And why YES, you DO see lip-prints on his boxers. I was hoping for Spongebob boxers to make me giggle....but I guess the lip prints are a close second.

They work in teams. This team snaked my drains. $162.50, thank you very much. The second team responded about an hour after the first team left and repaired the kitchen needed two new drains that attach to the sink. They put new washers in my faucet to prevent it from dripping and wrote out the bill; $160, thank you very much again. CHA-CHING.

Even though the boxers did give me a chuckle, it didn't crack me it wasn't worth $322.50 in my opinion. If you really think about it.....with the time involved, these guys make more than doctors!


Anonymous said...

Don't you hate having to spend that much money and have nothing to show for it? Oh well, guess it beats the alternativr.

HappyK said...

I've helped my husband redo all the plumbing in the last old house we lived in and there is more to it than you think. After doing plumbing work I think they deserve what they get. : )


I think my doctor would make a good plumber.

Jamie said...

Paying out that kind of money for something so downright boring is a huge drag. However, having a working sink and tub and other things of the wet kind, really is a great thing. I feel for you darlin --- and of course, as you say --- it has to come on a month that is already financially tight.

But I DO love the boxers. At least your plumber seems to have a sense of humor.

Hugs friend. You should now be set for awhile...and the gods of all things that can break needs to be paying attention... :)

Peruby said...

Ouch! I hope that when the water drains it nearly takes the furniture down with it for that kind of moola.

boneman said...

Y'know, I asked Ma if I was adopted.
She said, "no...honey."
and after a sip of tea..."we just put the ad in the paper last week,"

(just trying to help)


ain't for city gals said... bone's true you just have to laugh or you cry..if it is not one is your mother!

Joy Des Jardins said...

Ughhhhhh, more money, more money. Sometimes it feels like it never stops. I hate spending the money too Val....and that's why I haven't called my plumber guy for a couple of things on my 'to do' list. Well, I eventually will because it has to be done...and I honestly do feel better when I know things are running smoothly. Either's unpleasant. Hey speaking of cracking you least his lip print shorts covered his butt. We all know how amusing that can be....NOT!! ~Joy