Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I don't know if it's in the stars.....

or what.....but this picture describes pretty much how I feel about now. It seems like every time I turn around I'm spending money for necessary things that have to be done.....like repairs.

Last week I had plumbers here. They did manage to get the kitchen sink fixed, but the bathroom drains are still clogged. They are no better than they were before the visit....matter of fact, they may be a bit worse.

So I called them and they are coming back today. I let them know that I did not plan on paying them again because it was not fixed the first time they were here. I'm not trying to be difficult.....but I just want to get what I pay for.

On Sunday my daughter mentioned to me that I was losing cold air from around my freezer door. Well, I had thought that too but was also thinking that perhaps something wasn't sitting on the shelf right, not allowing the door to completely close. I had fooled around with moving stuff in there and thought I had the problem solved, but I guess it wasn't. I don't know if the hinge has gone bad or the seal.....but the refrigerator seems to be running constantly. The food is frozen, but the ice cream is not rock hard, which I think is a good thing....but definitely shows there is a problem with losing cold air.

I have an appliance insurance plan through my gas company. At only $9. a month, it has paid for itself a couple of times through the years. I called and YES, that problem is covered so they are supposed to be here today to work on it. At least this won't cost me anything more than I've already paid. But it did remind me that my refrigerator is getting old and is probably giving me warning signs that I'm going to need another one soon.

My small circulation fan I keep in the bedroom quit and I had to buy another one. During the hottest days of summer.....you know I paid an inflated price for the replacement, but I needed it. It just seems like a bunch of little things....a ripped screen, a broken downspout, a warped garage service door that will no longer close properly and lock.....just a bunch of "irritants" and all of them mean money flying out the window.

I think the fates felt sorry for me and gave me a small something to keep my spirits up. I checked my bank statement the other day and I had an extra deposit of $89 from social security. When I called to find out about what it was, cause I had no idea.....I was informed that it was some sort of back money owed to me. Its a one-time payment, but better than a kick in the teeth. Today in the mail I get a bill from my doctor.....$140....charges from over a year ago that my insurance didn't pay for some reason. I will be calling them today to find out what that is all about. Sigh.....win some, lose some.

And how is YOUR summer going? Just remember to keep smilin'.....it keeps people confused and off-guard, if nothing else. LOL



Would you rather be pecked to death by a duck or dived upon by a vulture.

We're having a new AC systeminstalled as I write this. It's larger than the old one. The measurements were wrong and they're staring at my wall with a saw in their hands......

And just wait until next year when social security wants their $89 back.

Anonymous said...

It seems we are doing a little of that dolling out money hand over fist lately, you think it's something to do with the weather? ;)

Forsythia said...

The plumber just drove off with a big, fat check and our leaky old water heater.

Mary said...

I hear ya...Within the past few weeks, I've noticed my drinking glasses seem to have noticeable amounts of spots on them after being in the dish"washer". So it's either going to be the furnace, or the dishwasher next. Any bets?

Mikey said...

It IS always something. You've had a bad run of it, and it seems like it's in the air. You're not the only one! Hang in there, it will pass.

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

We discovered that appliance insurance a few years ago. It's a great idea I think. Doesn't it seem like, once one thing breaks, the others go too? It's one of those things that make ya say "I hate being an adult."

Jamie said...

I don't think you are alone here. Although I don't own anything any more and I don't have to pay to repair things, I do find that I am paying for other things, that I don't usually have to buy. Lots of them. And things of that sort for my kids, too. And car repairs---ugh. Not on my cars, but my kids cars..ugh. I am broke. Everything costs so much more, everywhere. I went school shopping for my niece on Sunday and I swear---everything was twice as much as last year. How on earth are young families making it these days?

Have a wonderful evening...hugs and hugs and hugs. :)

ain't for city gals said...

If it's not one thing it's your mother!...Honestly, it is just every where and every one wants something...If it were not for my hubby I would be living in one of my little tiny trailers...can't imagine having to pay someone for work...

Moohaa said...

Frustrating stuff! But cool about the extra deposit. I have been working to figure out a budget for us and every time I have everything worked out - to the penny - another bill pops up and I have to refigure Everything. So infuriating. I hate money issues. grr.

Leann said...

Good for you!!! You stand up for yourself and give em hell. They get paid big bucks for that kinda stuff...yeah, I know it's icky and stinky and all but.......... a deal's a deal.

I love it when unexpected money comes flying into my account.

Blessings and prayers.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Yes, yes, yes. I have felt the same way Val...many times. I found that I have to prioritize all the time...what repairs or upkeep should come first. And...it never really seems to stop. I finally did make that call to my plumber guy to come and do a few things....geesh, I hate it. Just know that you are NOT alone sweetie... ~Joy xo

dc said...

there ought to be a time limit on these Dr. to get their billing out. a year just seems a little long. Maybe they made a mistake or figure they need a little extra to put in the gas tank. I'd go back and look at ins statements and such.

ethelmaepotter! said...

We had one of those months a few years back, and let me tell you, it was NO FUN. I know exactly what you're going through.

I realize that doesn't help, but it's the best I've got.

By the way, your plumber's boxers lend new meaning to the term, Kiss My Ass.

Demeur said...

Ouch! I'm always pulling hair plugs out of the tub drain. Time to invest in a sink strainer/hair catcher about $2 at any Home Depot. And since you were kind enough to help Dana here's a little advice for the toilet. Get rid of the blue water tablets you're dumping in the back of the tank. They absolutely destroy any metal parts back there. Ask any plumber.

As for the sink, a new cartridge only costs about $6 and isn't that hard to install.

gayle said...

Our life is the same way!! My husband will fix one thing and then something else breaks. Makes me want to move into some type of assistated living place:)