Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's never a good time.....

for a leaky pipe. I just have to keep reminding myself that it could have been worse. At least the dishes were all done.

My niece and her son were here from Arkansas so I had a family get together on Saturday. Late at night after everyone had left, I didn't notice the puddle on my kitchen floor until after I noticed that my kitchen drain seemed to be clogged. The dishwater from earlier still hadn't completely drained out. I put some Drano in it and when I came back to check, it hadn't done a bit of good, which is unusual. I then noticed there was a puddle in front of the sink. (hey....I had a lot of my mind that I opened the cupboard under the sink and water was all inside there and was overflowing out onto the floor. I could feel it coming rather rapidly from the sink pipe.

I ran to get a bucket and hand-dipped the water out of the sink (cursing). I kept hoping that the Drano was mixed with enough water that it wouldn't burn my hands off. And I also wondered if maybe putting the Drano in there had caused the problem...I have PVC pipe under there. Since Drano comes in a plastic container.....I kinda doubt that it eats plastic. But when you're stressed, you think of all kinds of weird scenarios.

So today I made the call to the plumber that we use and asked the answering service if they could call me tomorrow so I could make an appointment with them. I can get by without my kitchen sink for a couple days. This month I have extra bills due and its a tight month. Of would happen at this time. But then again.....its never a good time to have plumbing woes. $$$$$


Leann said...

I sincerely hope that problem gets fixed quickly and economically. And of course it happens when company comes. It's a blessing the dishes were done and you were done with the sink :-) Take care and blessed be!


It's never a good time for the electricity, heat, phone or plumbing to act up. Just remember...Thanksgiving is coming....

If your toilet still flushes, that's the main thing....and you can always wash your dishes there.

Mary said...

I've had my fair share of plubming woes that I won't go into. All I can say is, I really feel your pain and I hope it gets fixed with as little pain as possible.
Love the picture by the way, it made me chuckle.

Peruby said...

Oh my. That can be very frustrating. I hate water messes. It ruins everything and then there is mold! Good luck - I hope it is a simple fix and not very expensive. You can catch a break now and then. Put a fan on it to dry the area out. I hope your cash flow problem is short and passes quickly. We have all been there.

Forsythia said...

You're right. It's never a good time. Laundry tub overflowed at daughter's house two weeks ago--same old problem: washer drains into a tub, and for a second time in one year, a teeny-tiny sock was blocking the drain. This time the damage from the overflow was serious. (We won't even mention the fact that the ancient drier that came with the house chose this week to quit.) SO they had to shell out some money, some of it for a new carpet for the family room, which is adjacent to the laundry room. AND, of course, the dog threw up on the new carpet two days after it was laid.

Joy Des Jardins said... problems, one of my worst nightmares. I hope yours gets fixed quickly Val. I think I'll be calling my plumber to rod-out a couple of drains and my flood control...since I had a little water seepage in my basement during one of our many storms lately.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how water problems can freak you out? I swear I will never have another basement because of those dreadful things called sump pumps, yuck! Hope it is something cheap and easy to fix, although I doubt those words are in a plumbers vocabulary.

dc said...

Well if it ain't one damn thing its another! Good luck. Hope your plumber doesn't "crack" you up!