This rates pretty close to the time I spent Christmas 1,000 miles from home (my first time away from my family) and all the phone lines were tied up and I couldn't even get a call through.
But the dinner will still be a good one, even though its not being eaten on the right day. Next person that comes around me coughing is risking their life.....honest. I'm so tired of people coming into work sick and passing it around.
Merry Christmas everyone. I love you all. Hugs!
Abby, we need our own blog! Merry Christmas to you and Golden. Get well very soon.
So sorry to hear you're sick on Christmas. Rest and get well soon.
Merry Christmas!!
Feel better soon!! Merry Christmas friend. You need some spoiling!
Merry Christmas and I hope you're both feeling much better really soon!
Very funny kitty picture!!
oh my gosh. I only wish I had come here sooner. I would have done everything humanly possible to cheer ytou up. As it stands now, I am exhausted, but I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year.
I'm sure your dinner on Saturday will be The Best.
Merry Christmas to you and may you feel better soon.
Oh dear - I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better very soon.
Hugs -
Good Heavens Charlotte - I hope you feel better by today. Being sick at Christmas is really rough.
I owe you an email and I will get to it in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, get better and thats an order!
My sweet little pisces friend, I am so sorry to hear that you had to postpone the big day but you know...as long as you have dinner with your family it really doesn't matter what day you do it. I'm just sorry you feel so bad. Get better soon.
I hope you are feeling better very soon. I have never understood the "martyrs" who come out and infect us all. Dinner will be just as good tomorrow.
I'm playing catch-up. I hope you and your daughter are back to feeling well and that you enjoyed your delayed Christmas dinner. Be well!
Hope you're better by now!
Hugs, :) .
Hope you're feeling better now. Sorry I'm late wishing you a Merry Christmas. My time hasn't been mine for several days. Christmas was good but is now a memory. New Year is MINE and I intend to keep it that way!
I should be able to return to my normal routine - I've missed my blogging friends!
I hope you feeling better by now hun - sorry I've been so AWOL lately!
Well, I'm late to the party....I hope you're feeling much better sweetie...and I hope you had your Xmas dinner. I made it through my week with family until the last day...and now I think I've got something too. I've been sucking on Zinc for a few days hoping to curb it. My grandchildren had coughs and colds...it was bound to happen. Happy New Year Val.....feel better sweetie...
Hey how are you feeling now?
Look! Nothing up my sleve!
(and he would reach into that hat of his, and, knowing Bullwinkle, he would pull out ANYTHING! A rhinoceros, a lion, once, he even pulled a rabbit out, but it scared him so!
Actually, I thought we could all feed the moose leftover holiday candy, and he would get ill.
That way, we could have some moose sick.
Huh? A cd? Well, OK, I guess that would be cleaner.
Hey Val
I am stopping by to wish you a very Happy New year and I'm also hoping you are now over your illness and making up for lost time. Was your delayed Christmas good? Big hugs to you my little friend. xxx
Happy New Years!!!
Feel better soon!
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