So, anyway, while in the middle of having gout (right foot) I noticed an odor in my house. Just a whiff now and then .....sort of smelled like spoiled hamburger. I searched but could not find the culprit. The next day it was worse. I looked everywhere but the basement because I could not manage the stairs in my condition. I had to wait until my granddaughter came by the next day and have her check my freezer downstairs. By the next day you can imagine how bad the odor was. Sure enough my freezer had quit working and everything that was in it had thawed. It was still running and blowing hot, stinky air out into the basement.
I mostly had veggies in that freezer, but did have a 12 lb. turkey and some packages of chicken. THOSE were definitely the culprits. With her help everything was cleaned out and put into the garbage cans. I'm very lucky that I didn't have more in there and also that I was able to get everything out of here before some real damage was done.
These are but two of the MANY bad luck things that have happened since January 1st. I'll tell you more next time. Keeping my fingers crossed that the bad luck gods have become bored and are through toying with me.
Sorry about the gout, and glad you are getting back to normal. And I had the same thing happen in my basement once. That is one awful smell that takes for ever to get rid of. Have fun.
I am not a heavy drinker but AM an old man, lol, and I can tell you gout is horrible. I eat or drink cherries as a natural medication for this. You can also buy tablets made from cherries. I also drink lots of water ( my own idea about "flushing" out the crystal that form in the joint. This is where the paint comes from. Hope that stays away from you.
Great to hear...glenn
Oh dear, what horrible things to start the new year with! I have heard from others too, how incredibly painful gout is. I am so sorry and hope you are able to keep it in submission from here on out!
My father had that happen with his freezer once, and was heartsick at how much meat had spoiled, not to mention the thawed mess to clean out. I am thankful you didn't lose more costly food, and so grateful for someone to help you with the clean up while your toe left you unable.
I hope the rest of your January adventures aren't as bad as these two, and I'm praying that February turns things around and becomes the beginning of a very happy year in your life! XOXO
Sorry about the gout. Sounds awful. It was really mean of the freezer to pull that stunt while you were suffering from the gout.
You are BACK....at least for the moment like you did last year. Send email if you're not going to post - I still want to know what's going on. Love you tootles!!!
Well, let's try to put a positive spin on things: Yes, it's unfortunate that you had a painful attack of gout (so sorry), and food spoiling in a broken freezer is a pain in the backside, BUT...the timing was fortunate. If not for the gout, you would have had to clean that nasty freezer by yourself.
There, did that help? No? Sorry, I was afraid it wouldn't.
hiya!!! I was thrilled to pop over here and see a fresh new glimmering post from you ! well, then I read about the not so good stuff that happened. sorry to hear that . i know about pain.. and man am i happy to hear that's getting better. and the freezer -- ugh. nothing worse than mystery odors -- and not knowing where to find it. murpheys law has definitely come to perch on your stoop for a while --- but look at all the love it got ya. :)) blog lady blog. we love to hear from you. sending prayers your way !
oooooooh bless you for removing the comment moderation :))
I think I'm back to blogging again.
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