I just love being a grandma. I imagine I found all sorts of things like this when I was a stressed-out, working mom but I can't really remember any of them. Back then it just irritated me that it was something else that wasn't picked up and put away. I was so concerned about doing my job, taking care of my family and trying to keep the house clean so the neighbors wouldn't talk bad about me, I never took time to stop and smell the roses.
Being a grandma, I see these kinds of things and stop and smile at them.....and furthermore, I leave them right as I found it because it makes me smile every time I look at it. I have left this totally as she left it. My granddaughter will find it eventually and then do something else that will surprise me when I least expect it.
I wish I would have taken the time to appreciate my own kids the way I now appreciate the grandkids, but back then it just seemed impossible and maybe it was. If I could dish out advice to any young mom, that's what it would be....slow down and appreciate your kids and if something is a little dusty.....so what! That dust will be there waiting for you, but the kids just keep on growing.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this and I hope it brought a smile to your face as well. Those of you who are grandparents know just what I mean and those of you who are too young yet.....I hope you think about it and the next time you open the cupboard to find a bunch of Legos in your casserole dish, stop and have a good laugh over it.
This picture brought back many great memories for me.
When I was young, my best friend and I used to "dress" one of her mother's nude statues with elaborate kleenex clothing. I always remember her mother saying to us, "A nude statue is not obscene, it is ART." as she removed our latest creation from the statue.
Ah Memories---------
Bear((( )))
Ha! that was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh .
As usual, I can't wait to be a grandma:)
Oh, Potato-Head! I love it!!
As a mother, I do try to enjoy rather than exasperatedly clean. That can be tough sometimes. But I also don't want my children to feel I am drowning their creativity...or not appreciative of it.
I loved the "15 minutes of housework"...so ME! You are welcome in my house ANYTIME! :)
Good post, Val. Be well.
that's cute! I like those little surprises.
That is so cute! Thanks for sharing it
That sounds like good advice for everyone. Grand kids or not!
Hope your having a great Monday!
Yep, yep, yep...I love it Val. I find little things like this when my grandkids come to visit...and I have the same reaction. You are so right sweetie....I love finding these little surprises....little treasures. Little smiles.
Hang on...I'm still trying to get my head around 15 minutes of housework....you do THAT much??? Crikey, I'd better pull my finger out and get cracking or people will think I'm dirty :)
My oldest is 25, she has a son, who is three, and they live in vegas:{, and when she was growing up yes i did ,get upset and well she'd be in trouble, now i'm 40 something and my youngest are eight, and i have learned to smell, the messes and laugh....its great to be an old mommy.....after being a young mommie
What you say is absolutely correct.
My mother told me she wished she had kept a messier house and spent more time with us. I have my own regrets.
Enjoy the grands, as you do. Love the little potato head!
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