Monday, July 6, 2009

I'm baaack.....

My computer guy showed up tonight and fixed my computer. He said it had 'lost its network settings'...which means nothing to me other than it no longer worked! He did his magic and got me up and running but I told him to start building me another one. He's the one who built this one for me almost seven years ago and its been a good system....but two power outages a day apart was a little much. Its been running pretty slow and my hard drive is nearly full. So....its time. I remember when I first got this one....I thought my hard drive was so big that I'd never fill it up.

Anyway, maybe within a couple weeks or so I will have an upgraded system but I'm NOT getting Vista ....too many problems with it he says. So I will gladly take XP.

I sure did miss not having a computer. I was without it since July 3. I did realize something though. I certainly did get a lot done around here since I didn't have a computer up and running. I guess that sort of tells me that perhaps I may be spending just a wee too much time on think? Nahhhh.

I have a lot of blogs to visit and a lot of posts to catch up on. See you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Val! I was happy to see your comment pop up in my blog tonite, that meant you had your computer up and running again! I know well what those blog withdrawls are like - miserable. Yes, we do get a lot more done when we can't play on the internet, but it sure isn't as much fun and keeping in touch with everyone is a good spirit lifter! I figure dust can keep. You would have smiled at my house cleaning style today - work a little, stop and blog, work a little, stop and comment. :-)

I'm glad that your repairs were nothing major, and that you'll soon have a new computer to zip around on. Mine did come with Vista, as did my husband's. I was worried at first, but I haven't had any problems this far, but it does take a bit of getting used to. I liked XP too.

This kitty picture is adorable, I have to steal it! :-)

Betty said...

Welcome back! I'm installing more memory in my computer this week - or, I should say, Jay is installing it. I'll be needing a new hard drive before long, too.

Jamie said...

I'm happy to have you back, too. These damned computers are time sucking addictions, but when we don't have them...ugh.

Happy Tuesday friend. :)

Savannah said...

It's great to see you back on board Val. When I didn't blog for 3 months I got so many things done around here but if you try to be strict with yourself, there's no reason why you can't have the best of both worlds.

I've got Vista and though it takes getting used to, I actually like it and haven't had any problems with it...yet.

happyone said...

That little gray kitten is the cutest little thing. I would love to take it home. :-)

I know what you mean about getting a lot done when you're not on the computer!!
Time for a new computer? Did you think about getting an iMac? In my opinion they are the BEST!!!!!!!

I think I'll go and read some of Pillars now. :-)

Joy Des Jardins said...

Welcome back Val....glad you're all fixed again. I know when something's wrong with my computer...I'm half crazy. Yeah, we're addicts plain and simple. I don't know what it's like without my computer anymore. Sad isn't it? Hugs, Joy

Gianetta said...

We all need a break sometimes.

Cheryl said...

I didn't have time to read blogs yesterday and I hate getting behind. I like things manageable, you know? I'd love a new laptop, just because. One more year left on my warranty, then I'll start looking. Having a blog and keeping up with friends is hard. Like now I want to read my book, but this is taking preference. Too much to do, too little time!

Brad said...

Time away from the old keyboard is a wonderful thing - that's what I did with my june - and boy howdy my garden shows it! - anyhoodle miss you my love! - I've come off hiatus and will be blogging semi-regularly again -

We need to catch up dearie!

Anonymous said...


Sending you a hug just because I wanted to.